A recent article in “Fortune” magazine about
the prospects for overcoming aging refers, among others, to the work of our CSO A.Fedintsev, where he proposes the 10th hallmark of aging and claims that damage to long-lived proteins of the extracellular matrix may be a key driver of aging.
Our team was the first to try therapeutic plasma exchange on humans. We tried it on ourselves, measured various biomarkers and noticed some positive changes. More details are in the article.
A gaggle of biotech start-ups are trying vastly different approaches to spin animal studies into the next big anti-aging therapy. It’s too early to know which, if any, will succeed.
Plasma Dilution Experiment on Humans.
A recent article in “Fortune” magazine about the prospects for overcoming aging refers, among others, to the work of our CSO A.Fedintsev, where he proposes the 10th hallmark of aging and claims that damage to long-lived proteins of the extracellular matrix may be a key driver of aging.
One of the main causes of aging.
One of the main causes of aging.
About our experiment: Biohackers Perform First Plasma Dilution Experiment on Humans. A recent article in “Fortune” magazine about the prospects for overcoming aging fortune.com/2020/12/30/ anti-aging-research-health-care-spending-biden refers, among others, to the work of our group member A.Fedintsev, where one of the main causes of aging is damage to long-lived proteins of the extracellular matrix.
Plasma Dilution Experiment on Humans.
A recent article in “Fortune” magazine about the prospects for overcoming aging fortune.com/2020/12/30/ anti-aging-research-health-care-spending-biden refers, among others, to the work of our group member A.Fedintsev, where one of the main causes of aging is damage to long-lived proteins of the extracellular matrix.
Another article about our experiment of translating therapeutic plasma exchange from mice to humans.
Another article about our experiment of translating therapeutic plasma exchange from mice to humans.
Out for blood in the search to stall aging.
Out for blood in the search to stall aging.
Another article about our experiment of translating therapeutic plasma exchange from mice to humans.
Biohacking – A Necessary Component of a Strategy for Radical Life Extension - Foresight Institute.
Our CSO A. Fedintsev at Foresight Institute talks about biohacking and why it is an important component of a strategy for radical life extension.
Our team was the first to try therapeutic plasma exchange on humans. We tried it on ourselves, measured various biomarkers and noticed some positive changes. More details are in the article.